07 Juni 2011

Soemitro Kolopaking, Regent of all time

That day somehow I feel very bored at home, do not know what led up to the wind suddenly occurred to the otaku to open the shelf closet storage buku2 long. I wrote fraudulent obrak upset all its content, its intention hell bersihin cuman mo .. ga er taunya I found one old book that stole my attention.
At first glance the book is very unattractive. Seeing the cover alone would have been lazy for reading. Especially for a deeper search.But what is curious when I read the title, scratch scratch ALL TIME.Authorship Soemitro Kolopaking
nb: Soemitro Kolopaking is incumbent regent Banjarnegara (1927-1949)
The book is highly weathered with age is indeed very membikih me curious. How not as thick as 43-page book is typed with a typewriter in the 1970s ..!
Page first page really boring until I started to lazy to read it. I almost closed tuh book, but soon there is a voice from behind me. It turns out that with the accent ngapaknya father then spoke "cookie book you sing mbiyen jamane egin typing work, anu dikongkon pimpinane. Isine history origin mulane banjo, ana sing taxable nggo cerita2 interesting lessons. In waca bae "
... It's the first time typing father who is still working. Karna told pimpinanya. It contained historical beginnings Banjarnegara, there are also interesting stories that can be taken a lesson .. so think about what it means. Wkwkwkwk
Without pakir long, just ... I read the book. True is also a book written by Soemintro Kolopaking or regents Banjarnegara is really exciting. The contents of his experience during study in europe.Even when he started a world tour from Germany, dutch, czech-slovakia, Albania, Poland, Britain, Austria-Hungary, Latvia, Russia, Sweden, even in Egypt.
The story is very interesting stories that make me a zest for life, he who at that time so students + work potluck to meet life pengalaman2 diperantauan very telling that touch. and there is one experience that made me proud to be citizens of Banjarnegara.
He currently serves as a regent or ndara Kanjeng called at that time, it is very simple and wise character. How memimpinya benar2 deserves exemplary. Written,
every once in a week, he was always out of pendapa district by bringing potluck lunch. Where no one knows departure. He berpakian very simple, just bring an air rifle to shoot bajing2 berjaga2 and the HMA agriculture.
What dilakukanya? Apparently Start At 8pm, when people have finished their activities, he even went into daerah2 traveling inland.he deliberately disguised form the ordinary people and into rumah2 village to village residents in mendengarakan keluahan people! Usually he entered the house the elder elders or people in their area. Then serentk rakyatpun know if the area visited by the regents, so they gathered to tell complained kesahnya. Which he performed mostly just listen and give wejangan2. It is often so difficult dilakukanya difficulties experienced by its people can accomplish. When everything is considered, he usually came home with several people brought up to the road. But he did not go home and rest in pendapa but go find a quiet place and quiet, he usually went to the top of the hill just to merenuang and enjoy the natural beauty till dawn ...!
Arya Sumitro Kolopaking who appreciate the three ages, namely the Dutch East Indies era, Japan and Indonesia, and to live and deal directly Gelora National Revolution (1945-1949). He gained the title "Gusti Kanjeng Regent", then "Banjarnegara Ken Cho" and ends "Mr. Regent ". Furthermore, the Regent
What a thoughtful profile. Is there a leader like him?
The book, written th 50s, a collection of coaching Administarasi GMU Center is excerpted repeated by all employees of the BRI branch Banjarnegara atasanya command, with the intention that the office staff to emulate the attitude Soemintro Kolopaking.

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